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Grand Tour Of Egypt

I am a little apprehensive. I'm not quite sure what to expect. Bob says I over-analyze, and I'm sure he's right. I can't help but wonder what's ahead, with the possibility of terrorist activity, my first visit to a true third world country, and being in a country where I can speak absolutely none of the language, and what do they eat in Egypt anyway? Another concern I have is the predominant religeon in their society having so many taboos (many of which I violate on a regular basis). Well, I wanted adventure; this is it cowboy. This should be interesting.

Day 1, 9/13/1999 Journal Entry
Day 2, 9/14/1999 Journal Entry
Day 3, 9/15/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 4, 9/16/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 5, 9/17/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 6, 9/18/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 7, 9/19/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 8, 9/20/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 9, 9/21/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 10, 9/22/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 11, 9/23/1999 Journal Entry Photo Album Entries
Day 12, 9/24/1999 Journal Entry

This was definitely the best trip upon which I have ever been. As usual, my fears were totally unfounded.

The success of this trip was largely due to people with whom we were travelling. Mike and Alicia were definitely the highlight of this trip for me. Without them this trip would still have been great, but it would not have been the joy filled event it became, and I wouldn't feel the sorrow I feel now at the trip's passing. The others in our group created a great supporting cast; I thank you all.

The sites were made much more meaningful by our guide, Shahinaz. She was the best guide I've ever had. Her enthusiasm for her country, her knowledge of it's history and sites, her great sense of humor, and her genuine concern for our happiness and well-being made the trip a real success.

Of course, the ultimate credit belongs to the architects, engineers, and artisans of Pharonic Egypt. Their accomplishments were numerous and incredible. It's interesting to consider where their civilization may have gone had the resources put into tombs and temples been put into the development of the society and it's technology. At any rate, Egypt is an amazing place, and I would recommend it to anyone. I hope to return myself some day.